Monday, June 7, 2021

Invitations to come first session Tuesday June 22nd at 5:00pm, 6/7/2021, 9:47 PM, English, 6/7/2021, 9:47 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog: googleclouduconn.blogspot.com

6/7/2021, 9:47 PM

First session will be Tuesday June 22nd 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Two sessions a week (Tuesday and Thursday) until July 2nd.

No sessions 4th of July Week and they will resume the following week.

Invitations to follow.

Students will form teams of 2 or more. You can start to team up now.

Because of the impressive amount of experience that this group does I
want to change the format to allow more creativity and innovation.

While I may reach out for help with the Summer deliverables and
everyone is welcome to follow the bi-directional translate program, I
feel it would be in best interest if the teams would build
applications based upon interest or ideas.

I've outlined a series of lessons that we will review below taking
them from our UCONN course.

I'd like to have students complete an application or at least
understand all the aspects of an application by summer end.

The course is broken into 4 main parts

Languages (python, HTML, css, Linux) - We will assume some knowledge
here so we can use as reference.

Databases - NoSQL and BigQuery - Any application will leverage either
Datastore or firestore.
Like to see if we can leverage Big Data Sets or at least understand
how to leaverage.
E.g public dataset for COVID - COVID-19 Cases (confirmed and probable)+197

Networking and Security - URL, keys, user authentication

Advance analytics - API's and Machine learning


Please email with any questions

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