Thursday, September 28, 2023

Midterm exam next Wednesday, Oct. 4th at 7:30pm and Monday Oct. 9th at 7:30pm.

 Midterm exam next Wednesday, Oct. 4th  at 7:30pm and Monday Oct. 9th at 7:30pm.

Short answers 

1. What is the Cloud?

2. Describe what a data center is?

3.What is a virtual machine?

4.What is Google Cloud Storage?

5. Explain the difference between zones and regions? 

6. What are the choices when selecting cloud storage classes?

7. Explain the concept of the Google app engine?

Monday, September 25, 2023

Assignment #4 due 10/5/23

 Assignment #4 due Thursday 10/5/23

Build a Python Invoicer program that lists 4 items that you want to
sell and produce a total.
Also, add a line for sales tax when you total the bill from CT (note sales tax is 6.35%)

Note you can not duplicate my items.


# DATA TYPE Examples
########## DICTIONARY #################
cust_name = input("Customer name: ")
cust_address = input(" Address: ")
cust_city = input(" City: ")
cust_state = input(" State: ")
cust_zip = input(" Zip: ")
items = {"plates" : 3, "cups" : 1, "glasses" : 2}
for x in items:
    print(x, items[x])
no_plates = input("Number of Plates: ")
no_cups = input("Number of Cups: ")
no_glasses = input("Number of Glasses: ")
total_plates = int(no_plates) * int(items["plates"])
total_cups = int(no_cups) * int(items["cups"])
total_glasses = int(no_glasses) * int(items["glasses"])
total_charge = int(total_plates) + int(total_cups) + int(total_glasses)
myplates = "You Bought {} number of plates at {} = {} dollars."
print(myplates.format(no_plates, items["plates"], total_plates))
mycups = " {} number of cups at {} = {} dollars."
print(mycups.format(no_cups, items["cups"], total_cups))
myglasses = " {} number of glasses at {} = {} dollars."
print(myglasses.format(no_glasses, items["glasses"], total_glasses))
mytotal = " Total Amount Due = {} dollars."

john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/pyprojects/assign4 (uconn-engr)$ python3
Customer name: John
Address: 55 daffodil Rd
City: Stamford
State: CT
Zip: 06903
55 daffodil Rd
plates 3
cups 1
glasses 2
Number of Plates: 5
Number of Cups: 5
Number of Glasses: 5
55 daffodil Rd
You Bought 5 number of plates at 3 = 15 dollars.
5 number of cups at 1 = 5 dollars.
5 number of glasses at 2 = 10 dollars.
Total Amount Due = 30 dollars.
john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/pyprojects/assign4 (uconn-engr)$

email me the code and the output from the code

Midterm Exam

 Midterm exam for Wednesday's class it will be on Oct 4th and for Monday's class it will be October 9th.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Assignment #3 due 9/28/23

 Build an app engine program that will allow a user to take in information 

 that you have built for assignment 1
 and send the data back to the user formatted via HTML 

 Use https://uconnstamfordslp.blogspot.com/p/app-engine-flask-html-form.html

 As a template
Graduation Year
What you want to do
High school
Favorite subject growing up 
What you are passionate about
What company or organization would you like to for?

Email me the URL link that the app engine created 

e.g. https://hello-world-uconn-app.ue.r.appspot.com/

Monday, September 11, 2023

Assignment #2 due 9/21/23


Create a web site with main page of index.html and 2 other linked html pages
Web site must have

Use blog for reference

Detailed directions

My site can also be used as reference

Right click and view page source to see code
Choose any topic you like.

Use your own downloaded images

Please send me a link to your main index page so I can review via my email john.iacovacci@uconn.edu

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Assignment #1 Due 9/7/23

Subject: Assignment 1 due Thursday 9/7



Create a linux shell program to state



Graduation Year

What you want to do?

High school you went to?

Town you live in

Favorite subject growing up?

What i am passionate about?

What company or organization would you like to for for?

Send both code and output via email

List all lines of code



# My First scripts

echo "Enter your full name : "

read my_name

echo "Enter your major : "

read my_major

echo "Enter the year you will graduate : "

read my_graduation

echo "My Name is : " $my_name

echo "My major is : " $my_major

echo "I will graduate in the year : " $my_graduation



john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/scripts (uconn-engr)$ ./my_profile

Enter your full name :

John Iacovacci

Enter your major :

Computer Science

Enter the year you will graduate :


My Name is :  John Iacovacci

My major is :  Computer Science

I will graduate in the year :  2026

Disable Billing

Search for Billing Manage billing accounts Go to MYPROJECTS CLICK ON THE 3 BUTTON Actions Then hit disable