Friday, February 24, 2023

Assignment # 5 due 3/2/23


Assignment #5

Assignment #5 Due 3/2/23

 Create a web site on your cloud storage bucket that will allow customers to add, change, delete and list their customer information via a custmain.html menu.

Change all the  HTML pages to include your name on each page in a header tag. e.g. <h1>

 Using google cloud python functions, html forms and mysql database tables from the SQL customer table. https://uconnstamfordslp.blogspot.com/p/mysql-exercise.html https://uconnstamfordslp.blogspot.com/p/cloud-function-project-python.html

Send me link to the main html page e.g. https://storage.googleapis.com/uconnhuskies/custmain.html

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Midterm Exam 2/22/23

 Exam 2/22/23 20 short answers from chapters 1,3,8,9,11,12,4

1. What is the Cloud?

2. Describe what a data center is?

3.What is a virtual machine?

4.What is Google Cloud Storage?

5. Explain the difference between zones and regions? 

11. What are the choices when selecting cloud storage classes?

12. Explain the concept of the Google app engine?

Adjunct Professor John Iacovacci

University of Connecticut, Stamford

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Assignment #4 due Thursday 2/16/23

 Assignment #4 due Thursday 2/16/23

Build a Python Invoicer program that lists 4 items that you want to
sell and produce a total.
Also, add a line for sales tax when you total the bill from CT
Add a shipping charge  of $2 per item shipped and add to total.
Note you can not duplicate my items.


# DATA TYPE Examples
########## DICTIONARY #################
cust_name = input("Customer name: ")
cust_address = input(" Address: ")
cust_city = input(" City: ")
cust_state = input(" State: ")
cust_zip = input(" Zip: ")
items = {"plates" : 3, "cups" : 1, "glasses" : 2}
for x in items:
    print(x, items[x])
no_plates = input("Number of Plates: ")
no_cups = input("Number of Cups: ")
no_glasses = input("Number of Glasses: ")
total_plates = int(no_plates) * int(items["plates"])
total_cups = int(no_cups) * int(items["cups"])
total_glasses = int(no_glasses) * int(items["glasses"])
total_charge = int(total_plates) + int(total_cups) + int(total_glasses)
myplates = "You Bought {} number of plates at {} = {} dollars."
print(myplates.format(no_plates, items["plates"], total_plates))
mycups = " {} number of cups at {} = {} dollars."
print(mycups.format(no_cups, items["cups"], total_cups))
myglasses = " {} number of glasses at {} = {} dollars."
print(myglasses.format(no_glasses, items["glasses"], total_glasses))
mytotal = " Total Amount Due = {} dollars."

john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/pyprojects/assign4 (uconn-engr)$ python3
Customer name: John
Address: 55 daffodil Rd
City: Stamford
State: CT
Zip: 06903
55 daffodil Rd
plates 3
cups 1
glasses 2
Number of Plates: 5
Number of Cups: 5
Number of Glasses: 5
55 daffodil Rd
You Bought 5 number of plates at 3 = 15 dollars.
5 number of cups at 1 = 5 dollars.
5 number of glasses at 2 = 10 dollars.
Total Amount Due = 30 dollars.
john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/pyprojects/assign4 (uconn-engr)$

email me the code and the output from the code

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Assignment #3 due 2/9/23

Build an appengine program that will allow a user to take in information 
 that you have built for assignment 1
 and send the data back to the user formatted via HTML 

 Use https://uconnstamfordslp.blogspot.com/p/app-engine-flask-html-form.html

 As a template
 Graduation Year
 What you want to do
 High school
 favorite subject growing up 
 What i am passionate about

Assignment # 6 due 3/7/25

  Assignment # 6 due 3/7/25  https://uconnstamfordslp.blogspot.com/p/assignment-exercise-python-datastore.html  Recreate the app engine proj...